Moon Winx motel site for sale

Sharony Green
2 min readJan 7, 2024


It’s the end of an era in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. A motor lodge dating back to early last century was demolished right before the December 2023 holidays. Several months before that, the infamous neon moon sign in front of it that hadn’t blinked in nearly a year was sold likely to someone who knew the value of historic preservation or someone who was a clever collector.

If you were driving on University Blvd., heading toward the University of Alabama from I-20/59, you could see Moon Winx on the right hand side. The Olé English in and Bel Aire, two other motels near it, still stand

.Whether one is interested in discussing the arrival of motels before the huge chains in the postwar period, lodging during the Jim Crow era or gentrification, this motel’s loss has many stories worth hearing.

So glad my students were able to get video of the moon when it was still blinking. We did so for a music video that premiered at the Jemison-van de Graaff mansion, which is a few miles from the old Moon Winx site.



Sharony Green

Professor of History, University of Alabama; Recent books address Zora Neale Hurston in Honduras & teaching public history creatively .