Coconut Grove — Mapping Change

Sharony Green
Mar 26, 2024


It touched me that so many on Twitter responded to the map made yesterday about Sun Ra’s Birmingham and Chicago. I have long told my students maps are a text telling a particular story.

This past weekend, I met a couple of who met in Coconut Grove, the 1st Miami neighborhood I called home. We shared a lot of memories of the Grove when it felt smaller and more personable.

I shared a map of the area. It was made after University of Miami won its 1st national football title. The map brought memories. It also showcased sad spatial stories. Scribbled trees marked the place where people who look like me used to live.

For more, see my blog.

I also address this matter in my book that will be released in late April. There are tensions with the town I now call home.



Sharony Green

Professor of History, University of Alabama; Recent books address Zora Neale Hurston in Honduras & teaching public history creatively .